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Click Submit to request an evaluation, receive a quote, and/or be contacted by a consultant from OneErgoNet.
The ergonomist will meet with the individual at his/her workstation for a 1-hour comprehensive evaluation. The ergonomist will make equipment adjustments when feasible and provide customized individual training. A detailed report with the findings and specific equipment and behavioral recommendations will be emailed. If this is a "request for quote only", a quote will be emailed shortly. Once the quote is approved and contact information provided, the employee will be contacted directly to schedule the evaluation unless otherwise specified. The report and invoice will be emailed to the person requesting the evaluation unless otherwise specified.
An electronic evaluation form will be emailed. The form can be completed by the employee independently or with the assistance of an internal safety officer, manager, or other specified internal person. It is a simple questionnaire that gathers information about the job tasks, individual characteristics and concerns, basic measurements, and photos and or video. After the electronic evaluation form is completed, the ergonomist will evaluate the information and photos. A ½- hour conference call will be scheduled for the ergonomist to review the findings and personalized recommendations with the employee. A detailed report will be emailed after the conference call.
An electronic evaluation form will be emailed. The form can be completed by the employee independently or with the assistance of an internal safety officer, manager, or other specified internal person. It is a simple questionnaire that gathers information about the job tasks, individual characteristics and concerns, basic measurements, and photos and/or video. After the electronic evaluation form is completed, the ergonomist will evaluate the information and photos. A detailed report with the findings and personalized recommendations will be emailed.
The expert consultants in our network are experienced in a multitude of work settings and provide scientific job hazard analysis to determine cost-effective, comprehensive ergonomic solutions. Please tell us a brief description of the worksite and job tasks to be evaluated. Include the type of work to be evaluated, location, time frame, concerns and any other pertinent details. An ergonomics consultant from OneErgoNet will contact you shortly.
A variety of training services are available through our network of dynamic consultants. Training is tailored to the specific needs to the client. Frequently requested training services include employee group training, combo group training and workstation reviews, train-the-trainer courses, industrial ergonomics training, webinars and more. Please tell us a brief description of the worksite and job tasks to be evaluated. An ergonomics consultant from OneErgoNet will contact you shortly.
Our network of experienced consultants provides a wide range of services customized to meet your specific workplace needs and goals. Consulting services include job task analysis, ergonomics program development, workstation and equipment guidelines and standards for your organization, Cal/OSHA compliance, risk management, promotion of health and wellness and more. Please tell us a brief description of the worksite and job tasks to be evaluated. An ergonomics consultant from OneErgoNet will contact you shortly.
We will notify you of upcoming webinars. Please let us know what particular topics you are interested in.
Please let us know what type of ergonomic services you are interested in